To make brackish water, you add aquarium salt to tap. Do I de-chlorinate the tap beforehand? I'm just confused on how to make it.

Updated On January 21st, 2018

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Do not use plain aquarium salt or table salt. To make brackish water, you need marine salt. You will also need a hydrometer to measure specific gravity. A hydrometer can be found in the aquarium section of most pet stores They cost $15 or less. Depending on the species of fish you have, brackish water will need a SG between 1.005 and 1.010. One tablespoon of marine salt per gallon of water will create brackish water at the lower end of the SG range. Yes, you will need a conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine before you add the marine salt.

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