Hi iv rescude a mare who is pregnant i was tould the stalion got to her in late jan early feb and also again in julie fore the last week her teet are getting biger evry day and yestoday she seemed more restless she has rain scold that where trying to get rid of cause she is rolling to scrach her back also am getting worried as its my first foal and i dont no an exact date or even week
Updated On January 23rd, 2018
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | 600 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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I would have an equine vet come out to examine Cleiopatra. The vet can do a rectal exam and ultrasound to confirm if she is pregnant or not. If she is pregnant, I would say she would be due soon if she was mated in late January/early February as a horse's gestation lasts 335-360 days. Along with c confirming the pregnancy, the vet can give you an estimate of how far along she is in the pregnancy. While there, the vet can treat her rain scald as well. Please have an equine vet come and see her in the next day or two. Good luck, I hope this helps!
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