hello, i have a mini who is fat and i am wanting to help him lose weight before it too late. He lives with a 16.3hh horse. Mini is somewhat lame and isnt showung any signs of laminitis other than shortening his walkimg stride. I want to help him lose weight before its too late. His normal diet consist of Timothy Hay, no grain, sometimes Bermuda pellets if the other horse doesn't finish his it. Pasture every day for a few hours but grass isn't rich most of the time. No treats! On equioxx.

Updated On February 14th, 2018

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Male | neutered | 11 years and 1 month old | 0 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello, as the owner of several overweight minis, I share your pain. Your pictures do not show a particularly heavy horse, so you have a good place to start. If you have ever been to a mini show, you have to wonder how they get those horses into such amazing shape. Very careful diets are 1 component, exercise is the next & maybe the most important. Those minis are worked, either by hand, or treadmill, or automatic walker non-stop during the show season. You will also need to be very judicious with the hay. Feed no more than 1.5%-2% of his body weight. No grain or pellets, period. And when he goes out on pasture, place a grazing muzzle on him. He will still be able to pick up a bit of grass, & of course drink. Do this, & your mini will look great in a few months. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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