My 9 yr. old mixed breed dog has recently started to suck/nibble at his blanket. What gives? He is a Beagle-Boston Terrior mix. He is neutered, but only recently. (6 months ago)

Updated On February 18th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 9 years and 3 months old | 50 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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While not common, sucking behavior in dogs is not unheard of. Some dogs suck on their flanks or legs, while others, like Oreo, suck on blankets or toys. For some dogs, this provides a means of comfort, but for others can indicate an underlying anxiety disorder. It is a bit unusual for this behavior to develop later in life, but try to determine if Oreo is experiencing any other changes that could indicate anxiety, such as pacing, panting, seeming agitated, or experiencing signs of stress when you leave the house. If he does seem to be showing signs of anxiety, consider taking Oreo to the vet to discuss behavioral training options, as well as medications. If he does not seem to be overly anxious, you can try using calming pheromone collars or diffusers (Adaptil is one example) to see if this behavior subsides. Otherwise, it is likely not a cause for any major concerns. I hope this helps and that all goes well!

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