I want to make sure my dog has adequate amounts of omega 3 in her diet. I give her a fish oil capsule daily. If I also give her a fish based kibble (eg. Orijen six fish) several times per week (3-4) would this also help with getting more omegas in? the only drawback is having two bags of kibble open at once. One 4/5 pound bag lasts me 30 days. So the bags would be open for about two months. I figure that this is still ok. They are usually resealable bags. If not I use a bag clip.
Updated On January 24th, 2017
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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One fish oil capsule a day is fine. There is a risk of giving your dog too much fish oil, and there are serious side effects from that including a tendency to bleed more when injured due to the fish oil interfering with platelet function, interfering in wound healing, and an interference in the inflammatory response of the immune system. I would not add any fish based kibble due to these risks.
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