Updated On February 2nd, 2017
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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No, it's not a myth, small dog breeds can suffer from a Napoleon complex or small dog syndrome. But it isn't due to genetics, it's due to the way owners treat and raise these small dogs. Oftentimes, their aggressive behaviors are laughed at, ignored, or excused, and the owner thinks it's cute. The dog therefore isn't corrected for their inappropriate behavior, which reinforces the behavior. The owner will use the rational that because the dog is little, they are scared, that he thinks he a big dog, or he's all bark and no bite. This continues their pattern of inappropriate behavior, and without training, they become this yappy and ill-behaved dog.
Owners of small dogs need to realize they are dogs who need training just as much as a bigger dog, and should treat them as such. If they did that, there wouldn't be a problem with a Napoleon complex.
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