I have 2 musk turtles, not sure of the gender but one is a lot bigger than the other one. The little one hasn't been growing much, I'm not too sure why. I've noticed recently that it has stopped eating. I separate the two when they eat so they get enough food. I have appropriate lighting and heater for the turtles.

Updated On March 8th, 2018

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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If the tank is large enough, the two could be kept IF they get along. Musk turtles can be aggressive, even with other musk turtles, so you'll need to monitor for any aggression. That said, if there is a significant size difference, they should be separated for the safety of both of them. You may find the smaller one will eat better and grow more if housed alone. Males can be differentiated from females by comparing tails. Males will have a thicker, longer tale than females. You can confirm species specific environmental parameters by reading the article at the link below. http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Common-Musk-Turtle-Care-And-Information/

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