Hi my dogs already have 2x 5in1 vaccine. Is it required to have 6in1 and 8in1 vaccine? or can I skip it.. I want only 5 in 1 vaccine.. because other vaccine is too expensive.. I just want to know if its fine.thanks
Updated On June 1st, 2018
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Answered By Laura Johnson VMD 169
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Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! The number of vaccines that are needed depends on the dogs age. If your dog is a puppy he needs the vaccine every 3 weeks until he gets TWO past 12 weeks of age. If you started vaccinating him when he was 12 weeks or older he only needs TWO 3 weeks apart. All puppies need it boostered a year later (when they are over 1 year old) then every 3 years. The difference between vaccines is that the 6 in 1 and 8 in 1 both have coronavirus and the 8 in 1 also has 2 serovars for leptospirosis. I do not thin that coronavirus is absolutely necessary and the leptospirosis is needed if your dog is at risk. Dogs can get leptospirosis from free standing water/puddles by drinking the water that could be contaminated with this bacteria from wild animal and rat urine. It causes kidney and liver failure. If your dog hikes, camps and swims then you should give it if the bacteria is present in your country. Otherwise the 5 in 1 is sufficient. I wish you the best!
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