Hi my parakeet laid eggs but it keeps on breaking them, am I supposed to put the male in another cage while the female is keeping track of the eggs? I put two eggs that the female recently laid in a cup with cushion. What should I do?

Updated On June 29th, 2018

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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If you are hoping to raise babies, then providing nesting material for the parents is best so that they can make a safe nest where the eggs are less likely to fall or break. The parents may also break eggs or discard them if they aren't viable or they are young parents that don't know what to do. Because the eggs need to be incubated, they need to remain in the nest with the parents in order to hatch. You can keep letting both parents try to raise a clutch (and be sure to provide a calcium supplement for the mother), or, if you don't wish to raise babies, can just remove and discard any laid eggs.

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