My 4 yo cat - I recently discovered a scab in front of her ear. Since I've noticed it I've also noticed her scratching it. In the photos it looks wet bc I've applied Vetericyn Plus hydrogel anti itch. She JUST visited the vet last week for a full checkup and vaccines, it wasn't there then, nor did he find fleas/mites/ anything IN her ear. Could she have caught mites from the vet? Could it be an allergic reaction to Rabies or Feline distemper vaccine? Fish dryfood I first bought 3 mo ago?

Updated On August 6th, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed | 4 years and 4 months old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I see what you mean about the scab on Breeze. It could be she has an ear infection, and those can be caused by bacteria or yeast, not only ear mites. It's unlikely she got ear mites from the vet. I also do not think it's an allergic reaction to her vaccines. That would have occurred quite closely after the vaccine was administered. Finally given that she has been on her food for three months, I don't think it's due to the food. It could also be she injured herself. I would put an Ecollar on her to keep her from scratching at it (I will put a link below on how to make one at home), and keep an eye on her. If she keeps try to scratching at her ear, or the scab appears infected (red, swollen, warm to the touch, pus), then take her back into the vet. Best of luck, I hope this helps!

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