So I have found a hole in my cat's leg, near his paw. It looks like a snake bite to me but there is only one hole. When I look into the hole, it actually looks Hollow. Should I go to a vet nearby, or will my cat be okay?

Updated On August 6th, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Longhair | Male | unneutered | 30 lbs

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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This is likely a bite wound from another cat or mammal. If it was a snake bite your cat's leg would be very swollen or he would be dead by now.. However almost 100% of bite wounds in cats develop an abscess. This is why you should have your kitty examined by your vet who will clip, clean and disinfect the wound, flush it if necessary and may prescribe an antibiotic and pain medicine.

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