Cat has breast cancer on one side. Has large nodule on cheek. Hairless, normal skin color, hard w.ith fluid center that drains a thin sticky clear fluid. Rapidly getting adjacent ones of various sizes. Occassionally gets scratched and bleeds but does not seem itchy. Cat is 14, female, spayed Maine Coon mix. No other health issues. Acts, drinks, eats normal. No known allergies , no fleas. I just clean it with peroxide as needed. What might it be and any treatment?
Updated On August 16th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Maine Coon | Female | spayed | 14 years and 7 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Jenny, DVM 165
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Mammary growths in cats have a high chance of being a malignant cancer. Since they are open and draining, they may also be infected It would be best to have a vet check the area to see if surgery is an option to remove them or at least medication to help clean them and clear the infection. Peroxide can actually delay healing after the first use. You are safer with mild soap and water to wipe it clean
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