Kyoki started going into heats at 4 months old. She started have rough heats every 2 weeks soon after they started! She seems to have gotten pregnant while my family was away for a weekend. I don't know the due date for sure, but I am guessing next week thursday (8/24/18). I am concerned that she is too small! Is there a particular size or actions that would show that she is big enough to have kittens safely? Or should I immediately go to the vet and plan a C section?
Updated On August 17th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Bengal | Female | unspayed | 7 months and 23 days old | 6 lbs
Answered By Jenny, DVM 165
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Your vet can do an X-ray now to see how large the kittens are and how many you can expect. Otherwise all you can do wait for labor to start. If you notice a black or brown discharge or heavy contractions for 30-60 ministers no progression, then there is a problem and she needs to be seen by a vet
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