Hi, two days ago we bought a 3 month old green cheek conure. His feather looks like strange now that we noticed it. They look black at the end of short feather. Please see the photo. We are the first time bird owner and not sure what is causing it. I wonder if this is a serious condition and what treatment needs to be done. Thank you

Updated On August 20th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | 2 months and 19 days old

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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As far as I can see from the photo, the feathers look normal and healthy. Some color change and darkening of feathers is normal, and the feathers may continue to change somewhat until Pa Pa reaches maturity. Molts can also change feather color some as old feathers fall out and new ones come in. If he is otherwise healthy, normal, and active, I wouldn't be worried. If the feathers change rapidly, fall out, seem bothersome, or you notice any signs of illness in addition to the changes, scheduling a checkup with your local vet to rule out any health issues is always the best course of action.

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