A few months ago I was researching dog food allergies and realized Moose has had most of the symptoms; itchy ears, licking his paws, vomiting (almost once a month), and light-ish poop. I switched him to a new food and all these symptoms went away. The new food started getting expensive so we tried out a cheaper one but all the symptoms came back, other than vomiting. I switched him back to the other food and he's been eating only that for a little over a month but he still has the symptoms. Why?
Updated On August 22nd, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | unneutered | 8 years and 7 months old | 18 lbs
Answered By Jenny, DVM 165
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Food allergies can take 8 weeks to see changes. If there was a secondary skin infection this time then you will need antibiotics to clear that as the food won’t treat that. You can do a weekly bath in a medicated shampoo to help also
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