My dog ate one of those little Mexican alligator lizards from outside I was wondering how dangerous it was for her if there's any specific diseases or symptoms I should look out for in case it was a carrier or something or if I am overreacting

Updated On August 23rd, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Husky | Female | spayed | 2 years and 1 month old | 35 lbs

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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Unless your dog ate a Mexican beaded lizard, you do not have to worry. If he indeed ate a Mexican Alligator Lizard (Abronia), it was a nice but harmless snack. Here is a photo of a Mexican Alligator Lizard: And here a photo of a Mexican Beaded Lizard (toxic): Should he have eaten a Mexican Beaded Lizard, you need to take him to your veterinarian right away for an exam and treatment.

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