My dog has a large red lump on his leg with a small black dot in the middle. He is acting normal and it doesn’t seem to bither him but I am worried it is something serious.
Updated On September 10th, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | neutered | 80 lbs
Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM 130
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I am sorry to hear about Rocco. This looks like it could potentially be a tumor that has a small ulceration or wound. We can have tumors that are benign and do not spread/cause other problems, but others are aggressive and should be removed. I would recommend bringing Rocco into the vet for an exam. Your vet may try to get some cells from the tumor to examine under the microscope in order to determine the type/behavior of the growth and determine if it should be surgically removed or if it can just be monitored.
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