Yesterday my dog killed one of my two budgies. We have worked with having Ptolemy near the birds with no issues at all. We never leave the house with the birds out and are almost always in the same room as the birds and the dog. Yesterday the whole family was in the room when I noticed Cicero was missing, I found my dog with the dead bird next to him. I'm wondering how I should go about training Ptolemy to not kill my other bird and what precautions I should take. I dont want to lock up either:(
Updated On September 22nd, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | Papillon | Male | neutered | 7 years and 5 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Oneal Bogan, DVM 200
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Unfortunately changing a dog's prey drive is very difficult. Even the best of dogs still have instinct take over at times and there isn't much you can do other than make sure the bird and Ptolemy are monitored at all times. You can also find a local trainer and see if they have any advice but in my experience this is very hard to prevent. I'm sorry about your budgie. I hope that helps and thank you for using PetCoach.
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