Updated On October 17th, 2018
Pet's info: Exotic | Unknown - Exotic | Male | unneutered | 1.5 lbs
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Frank and including the pictures. The lesions on the plastron (lower shell) doe appear to be due to an infection. Rarely do the fluid additives help in situations like this, because the infection is too deep for this treatment to work. Gently scrubbing with an old toothbrush with a dilute betadyne solution (1:10, light tan color) to remove any debris. Applying a topical antibiotics such as neosporin could work well but Frank needs to stay dry for 6-8 hours. Red eared sliders do great out of water and only need water to eat and drink. If the lesions get worse, a visit to a reptile veterinarian and systemic antibiotics is needed. Monitor water quality to provide a clean environment to live. Good luck.
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