My red eared slider turtle is hiding constantly staying under the rock and filter and he’s not sunbathing I’ve had him for 2&1/2 years and he hasn’t grown a whole lot, I’ve only been feeding him 3-4 “floating reptile sticks” every day since then. I’m worried about the little guy should I be feeding him more or something else also I don’t know if his tank is ideal for his species I’ve never met anyone else with a turtle and I haven’t had anyone to get advice from. P1: Turtle P2: food P3: tank
Updated On November 1st, 2018
Pet's info: Reptile | Turtle | Male | unneutered | 2 years and 3 months old | 0 lbs
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Sebastian and including pictures. Points of interest to investigate would be: (1) heat support in the water, (2) nutrition, and (3) water quality. If the water temperature gets too low, turtles will slow and stop eating (acting as if hibernating). The water quality needs to be kept clean to decrease bacterial and algal overgrowth. Regarding nutrition, the package of pellets needs to be changed every 3-4 months as vitamins degrade quickly. Offering diced vegetables and whole fish (goldfish, tetras) can provide exercise and nutrition. If Sebastian remains quiet and lethargic, a visit to a reptilian veterinarian is recommended. Good luck.
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