Hi, I'm taking care of my daughter's box turtle that she's had for almost 2 years. I've had her for 1 week now and she has completely buried herself in the substrate, you can't even see her and she has not come out for 2 days. She has had no water or food. Do I unbury her to check on her or how long do I leave her like this. I'm nervous being a first time turtle Nana. Thank you.

Updated On November 5th, 2018

Pet's info: Reptile | Turtle | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Talula. This could be one of a few things: (1) hibernating (if not heat support), (2) Stress and hiding (new home), (3) Illness. If there is no or inadequate heat support, I would assume she is hibernating since environmental temperatures are dropping. If she is now in a high traffic area (lots going on) she might be stressed and hiding. Try putting up dark paper on the outside of the terrarium to provide security. If you think she is sick, seek an examination with a reptile veterinarian. Good luck.

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