I've got a few questions. First my two birds are having a hard time bonding with me how do I fix that? Second I think my hamster needs a bigger cage, picture below, 3rd my leopard gecko has a heating Rock does that mean I can leave his light off during the night? How often should I clean out my bunnies litter box? My birds are starting to pluck their feathers due to boredom we're getting toy soon but how do I keep it from becoming a Habit in the meantime? Thanks!

Updated On April 24th, 2019

Pet's info: Small Animal | Hamster | Male | unneutered | 3 lbs

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out. Sound like you have a full house. 1. Birds will often bond together but continue to work with them in a quiet environ, offering treats to win and re-enforce trust. Toys, the radio or tv, can all assist with boredom. Setting up foraging toys so birds need to spend time looking for food. 2. There is no such thing as too big a cage. 3. Heating rocks are rarely approved for use, as they will eventually become faulty and get too hot, potentially damaging the animal. A heat lamp is recommended. 4. The bunny's litter box should be spot cleaned daily and full clean weekly. If you can smell it you waited too long. Good luck.

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