Updated On April 5th, 2018
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Answered By Christie Long, DVM 69
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
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Dogs may chew on their feet for a number of reasons. The most common of these is underlying allergies to either environmental or food allergens. Nearly anything can cause an allergic response, and these reactions in dogs typically lead to itching, which often manifests as chewing on or licking the feet. Other causes of foot chewing include foreign material in the paw pads or nail beds, infection in the skin or pads of the feet, problems with the toenails, pain, or obsessive behavioral issues. A trip to the veterinarian is best in order to examine your dog’s feet, perform any necessary diagnostic tests, and determine the best course of treatment. Allergy management strategies, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, or anxiety medication may be needed to help get your dog’s foot chewing under control. Finally, I suggest you check out [this article](https://www.petcoach.co/article/most-common-reasons-why-dogs-chew-their-paws/) for additional information about this common behavior.
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