[Baby Hedgehog] I bought a 32 days old hedgehog from a pet store. She seems weak and sometimes makes sounds. What kind of specific food and drink I should feed her? And how to make she become healthier? Thank you vet
Updated On May 12th, 2019
Pet's info: Small Animal | Unknown - Small Animal | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 1 day old
Answered By Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM 206
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Zoological Medicine Specialist
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Hello, I’m sorry to hear Hung May be having issues. I would recommend taking her to a veterinarian for a new pet exam just to be sure she is otherwise healthy and to establish a relationship with a local vet. In general, hedgehogs need a high protein diet since they are insectivores. Mazuri insectivore diet is a good option, but feeding insects like mealworms, roaches, etc is also enriching and a good food source for them. Some hedgehog owners feed high quality cat or kitten food, which is an acceptable alternative to an insectivore food. Avoid human table scraps as obesity is a common problem in hedgehogs. Also, make sure you keep the hedgehogs enclosure warm ~72-82F. Dental disease, mites, heart disease, and cancer are common diseases of hedgehogs you might want to be aware of.
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