My red eared slider is like 1 year and few months old. Her weight is 38 g. Firstly Is this an ideal weight for a turtle of this age? Secondly, how many grams of commercial pellets should I provide her? I want these two questions to be answered briefly. Give me the numerical values. Thank you

Updated On September 13th, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Turtle | Female

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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Hello, It is impossible to assign a perfect numerical value to both weights and diets, as every animal, just like humans, will be different. We use a system called body condition scoring in veterinary medicine, which involves palpating the skeletal muscles and fat deposits to determine if the animal is an appropriate weight for their size. This would be impossible to do without a physical exam. I think you may find this care sheet helpful. It is good to feed a portion of pellets, but their diet should primarily be fresh produce. Lafeber is a wonderful resource for exotic pets. Cheers! I hope this is helpful.

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