Hello! I was wondering if glass cleaner is highly toxic for dogs. The one I used only lists “less than 5% of surfactants anionic amongst other ingredients” but I don’t know where to find the rest. While researching I also find that some glass cleaners have ethylene glycol butyl ether, is that as dangerous as regular ethylene glycol? I’m trying to switch to more pet safe products, any suggestions are welcome :)

Updated On November 3rd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 20 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Glass cleaner isn't highly toxic to dogs, but you don't want them licking it. To be honest, I have never worried about the cleaners used in my home, and my animals have never seen sick. SpotAway Pet-Safe Glass Cleaner may be good for you to use.

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