I need help finding out if I have made the wrong decision to take my puppy to a groomer for his first puppy groom when he was about 3 to 4 months old. He is a yorkie poodle toy breed and I got him when he was 2 months old. Since I have had him he went to the ER once where they shaved his right arm to give him shot.

Updated On November 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkipoo | Male | neutered | 6 months and 14 days old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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I am not sure I understand your question. It is ok to have a puppy groomed but ideally all the vaccines would be finished before that happens just to decrease exposure. It's also ok if the vet shaves off the fur. It will grow back. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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