My foster has very sensitive skin/allergies. Came into rescue riddled in skin issues.most have cleared however he is still battling chronic yeast. Even the slightest amount of starch makes the yeast flare up. My question is can yeast be dry and scabby in places and moist in others? He seems to have darkened scabby areas all over his body even though his fur has improved. Is this still yeast? I already do ACV/hydrogen peroxide rinses, tea tree medicated anti bacterial shampoo & raw frozen food
Updated On November 9th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Cockapoo | Male | neutered | 34 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Yes, these infections can appear like this. Have you had Prince seen by a vet for this problem? If not, you need to do this asap. Do not use tea tree oil shampoo on him, tea tree oil is toxic to dogs.
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