I am wondering how to make plans for my cat McDougall should I pass before he does. He is an old cat but in good shape. He has lived in this building all his life and I feel that he should be a house cat only. He does have strong escapist tendencies and if he got outside I feel he would be killed by a car or other animals. I worry about McDougall and want only the best for him. Presently I am working with a lawyer on my final wishes, power of attorney etc. and want McDougall to have only the bes

Updated On November 12th, 2019

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Answered By Dr. Davis


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That is a wonderful idea to have a plan for his care should something happen to you. Please discuss your concerns with your lawyer. You should be able to name a person or organization that can assist with his care if the need arises. Often people will set aside some funds to make sure he’ll be cared for and specify your wishes. It would be best if you had someone you trust become his caregiver, otherwise I would check your local animal welfare groups to see which one would be able to carry out your wishes. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you care for McDougall.

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