I have a 2 weeks old kitten. Since 4 days ago her eyes keep closing as if there's glue. And I keep cleaning it and after I clean it, she can open her eyes but it'll close again. And today, I notice there's a grey membrane(?) Like on her right eye. What should I do ? For now, vet visit wouldn't be possible because of corona. Any home remedies I can use ? Or anything else I can do to heal her ? I really appreciate it if you could help me

Updated On May 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | unspayed | 15 days old

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. I suspect that your kitten has bacterial infection of the eyes. She most likely will need a course of antibiotics from your local vets to get better, but as they are closed now, you need to keep cleaning the sticky discharge with warm, boiled water and cotton buds. Using eye soothing eye drops should be helpful too. The grey membrane is possibly a protruding third eye lid - common finding in cats with eye infections. As soon as your vets are open, please take Mozza to be checked over and to start antibiotics treatment.

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