Hi, Sir/Mam my dog got some problem in her eye i also asked that on petcoach and i got an answer which is helpful for me. So i just wana know can i use thess medicines. 1. Ciprofloxin eye drop 2. Amoxicillin potatiom 250 mg tablets (half) 3. Currently using => Dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection IP as eye drop. NOTE- The screenshots of that previous answer is attached down. Thanks for help, I hope you are safe while coronavirus outbreak.

Updated On May 3rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Female | 6 years and 5 months old | 14 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for the update. Please, do not use dexamethasone as it is detrimental in case of corneal damage. You can use Ciprofloxacine instead twice a day until you can get Roshni seen by your vet. There is no need to use systemic antibiotic, like Amoxicilin.

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