My 8 yr old straight ear Scottish Fold had some water around her left eye this morning with some slight squinting. Then some white mucus like discharge a bit ago (about 6 hours later). Her behavior seems fine. She was playing, eating, running, & now she is taking her regular afternoon nap. I have not noticed her rubbing her eye or cleaning herself more than normal. She is no longer squinting since I wiped her eye with warm water. She is indoor only & has never had any known/diagnosed illnesses.

Updated On May 3rd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Scottish Fold Longhair | Female | spayed | 8 years old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. It looks like mild eye infection or irritation. Please, clean the eye with warm water and cotton buds every time you see the discharge. You can also use soothing eye drops (human ones are fine) 2-3 times a day. If the eye is not back to normal in 24-48hrs, you should take Annabel Lee to your local vets for a check.

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