Hello! Munggol is a new addition to our family as he appeared on our doorstep few nights ago. He’s not yet eating solid foods and I think he was separated from her mother too soon. She drinks only water and milk. Yesterday, she popped with worms. But today, she is now pooping liquid (without worms) and she is not aware. Poop keeps coming even when he is sleeping. We want him to give some home remedy to help since no vet open due to the situation. What could we do? Thank you!
Updated On May 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered
Answered By Tomasz Wnuk 28
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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. There are no effective home remedies against worms. You should get a worming tablet for Munggol as soon as possible. Many of these medications are sold over-the-counter on the internet, in pet shops and in pharmacies. Even if your local vet is closed, you should be able to buy the de-worming medication for him. Also, you can start giving him baby probiotic with each meal - that should help the diarrhea. Once your vet is open again, please, take Munggol in for vaccination.
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