my daughter stepped on my kitten this morning, he slept after that and when he woke up again he doesn't seem well, he refused to eat or drink and can barely walk . no vet clinics will be open before 12 hours from now .,

Updated On May 12th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | 500 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. Grey should really be seen by a vet as soon as possible., If this is not an option, you should keep him rested and offer small amount of water and liquid food every 2-3 hrs. You may have to use a syringe if he is not taking food by himself. Unfortunately, human painkillers are dangerous to cats and there are no home remedies either that can be helpful for Grey. It is hard to say what happened to him, he may have broken limb, muscular discomfort or painful abdomen from internal organ trauma. He needs full clinical assessment to find out what has happened.

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