Updated On May 15th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 26 days old | 5 lbs
Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM 74
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Hello. This kitten has severe infection in both eyes. This requires IMMEDIATE veterinary attention if there is any chance of salvaging her eyes. She may have poor or no vision no matter what is done, but without medical intervention, it is likely that she will have to lose both eyes. She should be examined immediately and once evaluated, treatment can be started which will probably be a combination of oral and topical antibiotics. She may need to see a veterinary eye specialist if she does not start to improve, or she may need to have the eyes surgically removed. Hopefully, with immediate attention, she can improve. Please take her to your veterinarian or closest emergency clinic right away.
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