Should I be concerned about my dog’s drooling? He has never drooled before. Last night and this morning was the first time. Nothing major is different in his routine though he did go to doggy day care for the first time last week and he got first series of canine flu and lepto vaccine two days ago. The drool is kind of thick almost like human mucus.

Updated On June 6th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | unneutered | 6 months and 14 days old | 46 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. Excessive drooling in dogs is often caused my mouth problems, like gums infection or inflammation, tartar or other dental diseases. It hot months it could be caused by just high ambient temperature. If your puppy is otherwise well, you should monitor him for the next few days. However, if the drooling continues, if it becomes smelly or if he starts drooling from one side of the mouth only, you should get him checked by your local vets.

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