Hi Dr I have some goats with udder disease, it develops over a period of a year I tried several treatments but nothing has worked. I don't whether it's infectious or not but it appears in white udder only. Please find attached photos of the udder
Updated On June 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Goat | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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There are many diseases that can cause something like this. I do not know what common diseases you see in Oman so it is difficult for me to comment. You are better off trying to get a vet to come to your farm and check the goats. We do not have enough information here to be helpful. My best guess is that this is papilloma virus warts. The problem can spread through the herd after purchase of an infected animal. Some self-cure at the end of lactation, some do not regress or will return the next year. A few transform into squamous cell carcinomas (cancer).
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