Updated On June 24th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | German Shorthaired Pointer | Male | unneutered | 7 months and 3 days old | 40 lbs
Answered By Tomasz Wnuk 28
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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. Yes, low protein diet is very important in managing puppies with liver shunts. There are prescription diets for dogs with liver shunts, for example by Hill's or Royal Canin, alternatively low protein food can be prepared at home. Here you have good articles on feeding pupps with shunts: https://vetmed.tennessee.edu/vmc/SmallAnimalHospital/Documents/Shunts/MVD-Brochure.pdf - from page 12 https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2018/07/liver-shunts/#:~:text=Egg%2C%20dairy%2C%20and%20soy%20protein,%2C%20organ%20meats%2C%20or%20fish. Good luck.
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