Hi! I have a 26 year old horse he’s not eating like normal. It gets very hot where I live in the desert. He nibles on the hay but he’s not interested in the food. Sometimes he lays down ont the ground.He’s not himself. I’m concerned don’t know what to do.
Updated On July 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Male
Answered By David Darvishian 173
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Hello and thanks for using PetCoach! I'm not an equine or large animal veterinarian but many many things could be wrong with your horse. Dental issues come to mind but many other things need to be evaluated by your large animal veterinarian. I would advise calling your veterinarian and let them handle this case. This could be something easily remedied or more complicated. A good physical exam, history, and possible tests would provide light on what is going on. I'm sorry I can't be more specific but a hands-on exam is definitely a place to start. Thanks for using Pet Coach!
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