My dog is panting a lot and she looks like her legs are bothering her and she seems in pain. Last night she was very restless too. Is there any way I can relieve that pain? All the vets in my area are closed or extremely busy
Updated On July 21st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 15 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Thank you for contacting Petcoach with your question about Rouge. Poor girl. Unfortunately there are no OTC pain relievers you can give her. Many human ones are toxic to dogs and can be fatal if given. Rest her tonight. No running, jumping, or playing. Take her out to toilet on a leash, and bring her right back in when she's done. If she is still acting this way in the morning, take her into the vet. I hope this helps!
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