Hello! My 2 year old black lab has some concerning lab results. We stumbled upon this information during a routine blood test (the vet wanted to verify that it was safe for Finn to take Trazodone for long rides in the car when he gets anxious). Finn has no symptoms that I can tell. I adopted him at 7 weeks old and I don’t notice any changes in his behavior. Question #1: What further testing would you recommend based on these lab results?

Updated On August 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 2 years and 3 months old | 81 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. The blood results show that Finn definitely has some problems with the liver. Some of the liver enzymes and bilirubin are mildly elevated, which is never normal. What is more, ALP and GGT results could not be determined. It means that there was a machine fault when measuring these parameters, or these values were too high for the machine to read. I would suggest to run bile acid stimulation test, ultrasound scan of the liver and repeat the blood test that was run at your vets on the 7/15/20. You may consider running ACTH stimulation test to check for Cushing's disease, but it is unlikely that Finn has this problem. Based on these results, it can be decided what to do next.

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