5 days ago my dog 12 pounds ate one ibuprofen pill. She vomited and there was some blood. She was lethargic after for a few hours. She drank water and went for a walk and urinated normally. The next day she ate and drank normally and seemed like here normal self. The vet said since she seemed fine, she did not have to come in. Can she still have effects after this time? Or will she be ok? I’m worried

Updated On August 12th, 2020

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. Ibuprofen intoxication can cause stomach upset, ulceration in the stomach and, if ingested in larger amounts, problems with kidneys. Typically, the symptoms occur within 24-48hrs from ibuprofen ingestion, so if you dog ate the pill 5 days ago, most likely everything is fine. As long as she is not having any gastrointestinal signs at present (no vomiting, no blood in stools, good appetite) and she is passing urine as normal, most likely there is nothing to worry about.

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