I got a my dog Max for Christmas. From what I’ve been told, he’s 3 years old. I was told that he was given away from his old owner because of a new baby. We’re trying to get all the paperwork for Max but we can’t get ahold of the old owners anymore. What can we do about that? Also, we’re trying to find out what kind of breed he is. I’m trying to get an appointment set up for him but all vets near me are booked because of COVID. What can i do about that?
Updated On September 29th, 2020
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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. It is sometimes pretty difficult to try & obtain information from a previous owner, so it is best just to start fresh with everything. A good physical exam, heartworm test, fecal exam & update all the vaccinations, even if some of these were previously done. Make sure they scan Max for a microchip in case this was done by his previous owners. As to his breed, you can always pick up one of the Witness canine DNA kits online or at the bigger pet retailers & see what it comes back as. But I would guess at least some Yorkie & maybe Maltese or something similar in him. He is adorable! Thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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