Hi, we adopted a cat a few weeks ago and noticed her stomach getting larger and more round and hard, and her nipples have been a little large since we’ve gotten her but the humane society said she was fixed and just had babies, and she hasn’t had any other symptoms. I need help!!
Updated On October 22nd, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 1 year and 2 months old | 9 lbs
Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM 74
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Hi. Without a hands on exam, it’s impossible to definitively determine if this cat is spayed or not. Your veterinarian should be able to determine this by shaving some hair away from the mid abdomen to look for a Spay scar and probably a tattoo that indicates she has been sterilized. Cats are only pregnant for 9 weeks. By 4-5 weeks, it is pretty easy to determine pregnancy during a physical exam. Have your veterinarian examine her and look for the scar and tattoo. Thank you
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