I am getting my puppy from Arizona and driving home with her to Chicago. It will likely take a few days, as we know we will need plenty of stops for puppy and I do have someone coming with me. I have pet friendly accommodations set up for sleeping. Any tips on bringing a new puppy (10 weeks old) on this long of a road trip?

Updated On November 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 23 days old | 2.5 lbs

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Answered By Debi Matlack

Veterinary Technician

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Have a crate for her to sleep and ride in on the way. It will make her feel more secure and is safer for your pet in the event there is an accident. Make sure she has access to plenty of water and make sure to get some of the food she has been getting at the breeder, even if you plan to switch her to something else. Abruptly changing her diet can cause diarrhea and she doesn't need that additional stress on a long road trip. Make sure you have a secure harness and leash and keep it on her at all times when she is not in the crate. That way if she runs from you, you have a way of catching her easily before she gets herself into trouble. Have honey or light Karo syrup on hand in case she gets low blood sugar, as small breed puppies can be susceptible to hypoglycemia when under stress. Just take it easy on the trip and hopefully she'll be a great traveler for you. Good luck with your new baby!

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