Hi! I want to buy the best dry food with protein and the vitamins that my dog needs. Which one do you recommend? What’s the name of it and can you attach a photo of the food please? My dog is an Akita. She is 1yr and a half old. She weights about 75 lbs. Also please let me know what vitamins can I buy for my dog and how often to give her. Thank you so much! I appreciate your answer. Happy New year!

Updated On December 30th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Akita | Female | spayed | 75 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Celestin, DVM

Veterinarian, Veterinary Dentistry Resident

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Hi there! Harley is absoultely adorable! In my opinion, any of the premium brands (Hill’s, Purina, Royal Canin) are great! They are all devloped with veterinary research and focus on providing the most balanced and nutritious diet for pets. Thus, really eliminating the need for a “vitamin” supplement like we take. With that said there are supplements that you can add to Harley’s diet, such as those for joints and coat. Harley’s vet will be the best person to give you dosage and product recommendations (we’re a little limited online, since I have not examined Harley before). I feed my Rhodesian Ridgeback the Purina Pro-Plan Salmon diet, but it really boils down to what Harley likes and what aggrees with her. Sorry it won’t let me post a picture of the food, but any of the brands I mentioned above can be found at your local PetCo. Hope this helps! Happy New Year to you and Harley.

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