In need of home remedy to help with my chameleon who is suffering from a vitamin a sufficiency and no vet clinics are close that are accepting new clients.
Updated On April 28th, 2021
Pet's info: Reptile | Chameleon | Female
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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I'm sorry but if you don't get Luna to a reptile veterinarian ASAP the chance of her surviving is close to zero. You will not be able to give the proper care or medications at home. There is no way for us to diagnose a vitamin deficiency just by looking at this photo. There are any number of things that could be going on with her. Based on your zip code, your best option is to go to Lansing to the veterinary college. They will not turn you away - they are always accepting new patients. ( https://cvm.msu.edu/hospital/about ) The best I can recommend to you for home care is Emeraid Intensive Care Herbivore. You will have to mix it and syringe feed her. You can find YouTube videos on how to syringe feed. ( https://lafeber.com/vet/lafeber-products/emeraid-herbivore-100gr/ ) Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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