Is my dogs spay incision healing correctly? She had her surgery 4 weeks ago. Had an infection once and was stapled and prescribed Enrofloxacin. Her wound looked good since then, staples were removed 10 days ago and she finished her antibiotic dose yesterday. But I noticed some read swelling yesterday and day (see attached photo). Is this normal? Hopefully not an infection because she just finished her antibiotic dose yesterday.

Updated On June 19th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female

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Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS


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Hello, it's very possible her body has a reaction to the internal suture material, causing the slight inflammation but it's nothing to worry at that point, it doesn't require antibiotics at the moment and i doubt it will in the future, the incision healing looks fine

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