My cat hasn't been eating all day since this morning. She drinks vary little water & she moves vary slow. She'll sleep in the closet from time to time. But she been moving around little by little. This started on Wednesday morning. I took her to the vet later on in the afternoon because she wasn't eating anything & drinking vary little & they told me she had a fever. So i brought her home & then she got better the next day.. And now she is getting sick again.

Updated On September 24th, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Longhair | Female | 15 years and 6 months old | 361 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM


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Sorry she is sick again. I think you should take her back to your vet for a work-up to determine the cause. Your vet can run some bloodwork and take x-rays, if needed, to help figure out why she is sick. She could have an infection, metabolic disease, endocrine disease, etc. and need medications to help treat.

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