2 weeks ago I noticed a small, raised, pink bump on my dog's leg. It has grown to become a larger, rounder, redder bump. I took her to the vet and they said it might be a button cell tumor but they cannot be sure. They said I could watch and wait and see if it grew or started to shrink. I am hoping to get a sense of the risk of waiting in case it is something not benign. It is small now, so should we not remove it and biopsy it? How risky is waiting if it is malignant?
Updated On November 30th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | 4 years and 5 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM 230
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Hello, Thanks for the good photo. Due to the location, there's not a lot of extra skin in that region if it does get much larger and need surgical removal, which could make the procedure more difficult. If possible, I'd want to surgically remove it and biopsy it sooner rather than later. Since it's minimally invasive, I would feel fine about having the procedure done even if it is benign- even benign masses can become problematic with size and infections later. It could be preventive for future issues. Have a good evening. Best of luck.
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